Noun Definition and types

Noun Definition and types | What is Noun

Noun Definition and types – English Grammar : The name given to people, objects, birds, animals, places and fictional elements, feelings or qualities, that name is called ‘Noun’.

Example : Pen, Book, Bharat, Vedanti, Tree, Elephant, Sparrow, Mango, Water, River, Sky etc.

➥ There is a name to address every object in the universe, and that name is called noun.

➥ Let’s see some more examples, will clear your basic idea:

1) ‘Mumbai’ is the name of the city.
2) ‘Soul’ is the name element which is not visible.
3) ‘Nature’ is the name of quality.
4) ‘Fairy’ is the name of the fictional person.

Noun in Marathi | नाम म्हणजे काय ?

In Short: The name is given to a living or non-living, visible or invisible or imaginary element, emotions, things, or property is called ‘Noun’.

What are nouns, its definition, and examples?

Adverb in Marathi | क्रियाविशेषण अव्यय

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इतर लिंक्स :
➥ मराठी रंग :
➦ विशेषण व विशेषणाचे प्रकार
➥ सर्वनामाचे प्रकार

Noun Definition and types : types of nouns pdf, noun and its types for class 5, noun and its types and rules, pronoun and its types, what is noun, material noun, 8 kinds of nouns with examples, how many types of noun are there.

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