Living World and Classification of Microbes – Chapter 1 | Class 8 Science Solutions – Maharashtra State Board Q.1: Use Whittaker method to classify bacteria, protozoa, fungi, algae, prokaryotic, eukaryotic, microbes. Answer: Q.2: Complete Complete the five kingdom method of classification using- living organism, prokaryotes, eukaryotes, multicellular, unicellular, protista, animals, plants, fungi. Answer: Q.3: Find […]
The “8th Std” category is for fifth-grade students. Covering a range of subjects including Maths (Mathematics), Science (EVS-I), English, Social Studies (EVS-II), and more. Concepts to engaging activities and practice exercises. Whether it’s mastering multiplication tables, unraveling the mysteries of the natural world. 8 Class, Grade 8, Standard 8.
Rational & Irrational Numbers Practice Set 1.4
How to show the suqareroot √2 numbers on the line : Explanation : Actually such numbers are not rational numbers they are irrational numbers. Steps to show the number √2 on number line : First Draw a number line and place a point ‘A’ at number 1. Draw perpendicular line at point A. Set the […]
Rational & Irrational Numbers | Practice set 1.3
Rational & Irrational Numbers | Practice set 1.3 Rational & Irrational Numbers : Decimal representation of rational numbers : Explanation : ➥ If the rational numbers division process is ends with remainder zero, such a decimal form of a rational numbers is called a termination decimal form. ➦ If the rational numbers division process is not […]
Rational and Irrational Numbers | Practice set 1.2
Rational and Irrational Numbers | Practice set 1.2 1. Compare the following numbers.(1) -7, -2 Explanation : ➥ To Compare the two numbers we use the symbols <, =, >. (‘<‘ : Less than, ‘=’ : Equal and ‘>’ : Greater than)➦ To Compare the two numbers, first identify the numbers if positive or negative.➥ […]
Rational and Irrational Numbers | Lesson No.1
Rational and irrational numbers : First we will see, What are the types of Numbers ?We are very much familiar with Natural Numbers, Whole Numbers, Integers and Rational Numbers. Natural Numbers : All positive numbers are called as Natural Numbers.e.g. : 1,2,3,4,5…… Whole Numbers : All Natural Numbers and zero are called as Whole Numbers.e.g. : 0,1,2,3,4,5…… […]