
Are We Endangering Our Environment ? – Chapter 24 | Class 4 – Best Science Solutions

Are We Endangering Our Environment ? – Chapter 24 | Class 4 – Science Solutions | EVS – I

(A) What’s the solution?

Q. Your uncle who lives in Buldhana has an old scooter. It gives out a lot of smoke when it is started.
Answer :

  • If your uncle’s old scooter in Buldhana gives out a lot of smoke, it means the scooter might need servicing.
  • He should take it to a mechanic to check the engine and clean it. Sometimes, old scooters need new parts to work properly.
  • Using good quality fuel can also help reduce the smoke.
  • Fixing the scooter will make it run better and keep the air cleaner for everyone.

(B) Make a list

Q. Make a list of vehicles that run on petrol or diesel.
Answer : Here is a list of vehicles that run on petrol or diesel:

  1. Cars
  2. Motorcycles
  3. Trucks
  4. Buses
  5. Vans
  6. Tractors
  7. Scooters
Are We Endangering

(C) Think and tell.

Q.1.: Waste water from a factory is let into a river. What harmful effects does it have on the people in the neighbourhood?
Answer :

  • When waste water from a factory goes into a river, it can make the water dirty and unsafe to use.
  • People in the neighbourhood might get sick if they drink or touch this polluted water.
  • It can also harm plants and animals living in the river.
  • The bad smell and dirty water can affect the air and environment around the river too.

Q.2.: How did the discovery of electricity make human life more comfortable?
Answer :

  • The discovery of electricity made life more comfortable in many ways.
  • It brought lights into homes, so people could work and play even after dark. Electricity powers appliances like refrigerators to keep food fresh and TVs for entertainment.
  • It helps us stay warm with heaters and cool with fans and air conditioners.
  • Electricity also runs computers and phones, making communication and learning easier.
  • Overall, electricity has made our lives more convenient and connected.

(D) Answer the following questions.

Q.1: Which are the different vehicles that man has invented?
Answer : Humans have invented various types of vehicles, including cars, motorcycles, trucks, buses, bicycles, airplanes, boats, trains, and even spacecraft.

Q.2: What has to be done to set up new colonies?
Answer :
To set up new colonies, several things need to be done.

  • First, an area of land needs to be chosen and prepared for building houses and roads.
  • Basic amenities like water supply, electricity, and sewage systems must be planned and installed.
  • Authorities also need to ensure that schools, hospitals, and shops are available for the people moving into the new colony.
  • Proper planning and permissions from the government are necessary to make sure everything is safe and organized.

Q.3: Which diseases do mosquitoes spread?
Answer : Mosquitoes spread diseases like malaria, dengue fever, virus, and yellow fever. These diseases are caused by tiny germs that mosquitoes carry when they bite people.

Q.4: How has taking more than one crop in a year affected groundwater?
Answer : Taking more than one crop in a year, known as multiple cropping, can affect groundwater in two main ways.

  • First, it increases the demand for water because more crops need to be irrigated, which can lower the water level in the ground.
  • Second, using fertilizers and pesticides on multiple crops can pollute groundwater, making it unsafe for drinking and farming.
  • Proper water management and conservation techniques are important to protect groundwater for future use.

(E) Fill in the blanks.

1. In summer, there is a …….. of water in many villages and cities.
2. A bullock or a male buffalo is used to turn the ……………….
3. ……………… is more intelligent than all other animals.
4. A mot is a large leather. ………………………………
5. People leave their villages for the cities in search of ………………

Answer :
1. shortage
2. rahat
3. man
4. bag.
5. work

(F) Find out.

Obtain information about the following: Write down the information you obtain and share it with your classmates.

Q.1: Using diesel and petrol sparingly

  • Using diesel and petrol sparingly means using less fuel to save money and help the environment.
  • When we use less fuel, we can keep the air cleaner and reduce pollution.
  • It also helps because diesel and petrol come from oil, which is a limited resource.
  • By using less, we make sure there’s enough for the future.
  • We can do this by walking, biking, or using public transport more often instead of always driving cars.

Q.2: Saving water

  • Saving water is important because it helps make sure we have enough for everyone.
  • We can save water by turning off the tap when brushing our teeth and taking shorter showers.
  • Using a bucket to water plants instead of a hose also helps save water.
  • Fixing any leaks in taps and pipes is another good way to avoid wasting water.
  • Saving water helps keep our environment healthy and makes sure we have enough for our needs.

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