Types of figure of speech

Types of Figure of Speech | All types with examples

Types of Figure of Speech: In this article, we will see, what is the figure of speech, the types of figure of speech, and some examples of each type.  It will help you prepare your English grammar. Here you will get most of the types is an explanation and some examples to understand you better. The figure of speech with examples class 10. The figure of speech examples with answers.

In this article, we will overlook on the what are the 8 kinds of figure of speech? What are the 12 types of figure of speech? How many types figure of speech, What are the 25 figures of speech? and What are the 10 types of figure of speech? you will get the answer to these questions.

What is a figure of speech :

A figure of speech is slightly different from the regular use of words in our sentences.  It is used in a specific order to increase the effectiveness of sentences.  It is used in a different form of ideas or expression to add impact to the sentence. The figure of speech is a figurative language that is generally we use in a single word or phrase, which means the group of some words. 

Let’s know why these words are used, means what is the importance of Figure of Speech:

1.     It increases your writing skill.  It is used to enhance the beauty of writing and it makes the sentence more meaningful and attractive.   These words give more and perfect meaning to the words and make them live by the writer.

2.     Figure of speech adds some extra angle to the writing.  It makes, more enjoyable for the reader, and keeps them reading. It gives a new flavor to the writing.

3.     The figure of Speech not only shows the writer’s intent but also his purpose in using such language.

Types of Figure Of Speech:

1. Alliteration :

It is the series of words that commence with the same letter. Alliteration consists of the repetition of the sound of the first letters of words, in a line are repeating for poetic effect.

Examples :

Dirty dolphins dove across the ocean.
Purple pandas painted portraits.
➢ The bird sang sweetly.
➣ It is tough to talk to the team.
➢ This is really rocky road.

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2. Simile:

In a simile, two things or two ideas that are completely unlocked are compared with each other. A simile is used words such as like, so, as, etc.

Examples :

➢ Your explanation is as clear as glass.
➣ He is as funny as a barrel of monkeys.
➢ He is as sober as a judge.
➣ Monkey is not as strong as an ox.
➢ The flower is as pretty as a picture.

3. Metaphor:

In Metaphore, there is a comparison without “like’ and ‘as’ words, It means there is an indirect comparison between two things, which have the same feature in it. “He is like a Massive. (Simile) “and “He is a Massive. (metaphor)”.


➣ The camel is called a ship of the desert.
➢ You are a star of my eye.
➣ My teacher is a god.
➢ Ocean’s sound is music to my ear.
➣ The thunder was a mighty lion

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4. Antithesis

In Antithesis, opposite words or any idea are used in these sentences. The word antithesis, meaning exactly the opposite. It pairs exact opposite or contrasting ideas by utilizing the parallel grammatical structure.  Antithesis is often used in our regular speech to convey contrasting ideas in an expressive way.


➣ No pain, no gain
➢ God made, a man destroyed.
➣ No guts, no glory.
➢ Not near, not far.
➢ Things that easy come, easy go.

5. Apostrophe:

In Apostrophe, an absent person, an inanimate object, idea, or an imaginary character is addressed as though it is present. In this figure of speech, the writer mentions the absent or inanimate objects as alive and writes about them. This is done to produce a dramatic effect on the sentence and to show the importance of the object or an idea. In addition, Apostrophe is also used as a way for a character or thing to express their internal feeling to someone that is not able to respond.


➢ Car, please get me to work today.
➣ Goodbye, winter!
➢ Feet, don’t fail me now.
➣ O God, please forgive me.
➢ Alarm clock, please don’t fail me.

6. Consonance:

In Consonance, consonant sounds are repeated within a word/ phrase/ sentence for poetic effect. It is defined as a pleasing sound caused by the repetition of similar consonant sounds within a sentence. This repetition always occurs at the end of words but may be found within words. Try to find some more consonance examples in the sentences, phrases, and poems.

Examples :

➢ The black sack with the snack at the back.
➣ He struck a streak by his bad luck.
➢ The jar is so far from the car.
➣ Letter sent to Nagpur and went to Solapur.
➢ Better late than never.

7. Epigram:

An epigram is a short but spontaneous statement, often in verse form, which communicates a thought in a witty, absurd, or funny way. This Epigram word is originated from the Greek word epigramma, which means “inscription”. Most often ingenious or witty statements are considered epigrams.

Examples :

➢ Experience is the name everyone gives to their mistakes.
➢ If we don’t end war, war will end us.
➣ Change with the time otherwise, time will change you.
➢ It is better to light a candle than curse the darkness.
➣ An unbending tree is easily broken.

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8. Personification

Personification means any non-living things, abstract ideas, or their qualities are mentioned as human or living things. It means human qualities are given to non-living objects or things. It is used to describe something so that readers can understand it more easily.


➢ Angry clouds surrounded the island.
➣ Earth was thirsty for water.
➢ Lightning danced across the sky
➣ My house is a friend who protects me.
➢ The ocean danced in the moonlight.

9. Hyperbole:

Hyperbole words are used to exaggerate what you mean by a point. It is used to make something bigger or more important than actually, it is. It is the idea or ideas that are overstated for poetic effect. Hyperbole is often used for serious, comic, or ironic effects. Following are some simple examples of hyperbole in everyday speech.

Example :  

➢ It has been ages that I have had a proper meal.
➣ Sachin Tendulkar played better than superman.
➢ He loves her more than his life.
➣ He was so tired that he could sleep for a week.
➢ This stick is pushing me.

10. Imagery

In imagery, lines that create descriptive images in the mind of the reader such as visual, tactile, sound, and internal emotions are used. This effect makes the poem appealing to the reader. Imagery is used in effective descriptive language and figures of speech, writers appeal to a reader’s senses of sight, taste, smell, touch, and sound, as well as internal emotion and feelings.

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➢ The flame ate into her skin.
➣ The kitten’s fur is milky.
➢ The tree bark was rough against her skin.
➣ The woods are lovely, dark, and deep.
➢ The roaring thunder frightened the little girl.

11. Oxymoron :

In this figure of speech, two opposite words are used together in a sentence.  An oxymoron is a figure of speech that willingly uses two different meaning words. This contradiction creates a paradoxical thought in the reader’s mind.

Example :

➢ They knew they could feel the joyful sadness on his arrival
➣ This shop has verities of old news things.
➢ There are so many living dead fishes.
➣ See these pretty ugly lambs.
➢ Life is bittersweet.

12. Interrogation:

In Interrogation, a rhetorical question is asked for exaggeration or to emphasize a point and not to get an answer. When a rhetorical question is asked simply for dramatic effect, not to get an answer, it is known as Interrogation.

Example :

➢ Am I an idiot to fall for your lies?
➣ Who do you think you are acting that way?
➢ This is my own, my native land?
➣ Who is here so vile that will not love his country?
➢ When can their glory fade?

13. Pun:

A pun is generally used in games or plays where one word has two different meanings. Humorous use of these words of different meanings or the words of the same sound but different meanings is known as PUN. A pun is a common form of a figure of speech. The pun is often used in the form of a joke where words can have more than one meaning or words can sound like they mean something else.


➢ Where do you find giant snails? On the ends of the giants’ fingers.
➣ A bicycle can’t stand on its own because it is two-tired.
➢ I go to the dentist so often that I really know the drill.
➣ Fish are smart because they live in a school.
➢ Every calendar’s days are numbered.

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14. Onomatopoeia:

It is the figure of speech where the word is used to describe a sound. When we explain any action by putting the sounds into language, it is known as onomatopoeia. It is generally used in fiction or in nursery rhymes. It means onomatopoeia is a word that sounds like what it refers to. The combination of letter sounds in the word imitates the natural sounds of that object or action.


➢ Old Macdonald had a farm eea eea ooo.
➣ Vroom vroom goes the bike.
➢ Tick-tock of the clock.
➣ Bell rings ding ding.
➢ In a happy Runic rhyme

15. Irony

When words or ideas end up conveying a different meaning, usually something contrasting than its actual meaning, it is known as Irony. Irony occurs when there’s a marked contrast between what is said and what is meant, or between appearance and reality.


➢ Thank you for not helping me.
➣ Naming a tiny Chihuahua Brutus.
➢ The gigantic buffalo was named teensy.
➣ A pilot has a fear of heights
➢ It was as soft as a brick.

16. Inversion:

In Inversion, the correct grammatical order of a subject, verb, and object is not followed in a sentence to maintain the rhythm and rhyme scheme of the poem. inversion refers to the reversal of the syntactically correct order of subjects, verbs, and objects in a sentence. 


➢ Yesterday a ship I saw.
➣ Down the lane, off I go!
➢ Tomorrow will come the decision
➣ To the store, I will go.
➢ Shall have the chinks

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17. Repetition:

In repetition, the same words or phrases are repeated for a pleasing effect. Repetition is a literary device that involves intentionally using a word or phrase for effect, two or more times in writing.  Repetition is often used in poetry or song,


➢ Her ways are ways of gentleness.
➣ He is doing it over and over again.
➢ Rain rain go away.
➣ We are back to our home sweet home.
➢ It is what it is.

18. Tautology:

In Tautology, words having similar meanings are used for emphasis. Tautology actually has two definitions. One definition explains the meaning of verbal and another one is clarifies what logical tautology means.


➢She is smart, intelligent, and brainy.
➣The evening sunset was beautiful.
➢The students will take turns, one after the other.
➣Be careful, there is a lot of frozen ice on the road!
➢I need a new hot water heater.

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